This is a mammoth project for the good of all users of the Internet and those being affected by the Internet; so, every human being.

We therefore rely on your contributions to keep this project running and expand it further.

How you can help?

Monetary Donations

If you wish to contribute to the project monetarily, please use the following means:



Wire Transfer

Tweet About it

This will only take a minute, and have a great impact!

“I support the Global Internet Magna Carta Project”

Like/Share on Facebook, Google+, and other Social Networks

We have a Facebook Page for the Global Internet Magna Carta Project here.

Please like and share the content as far as you can!

Do you know someone in the Media?

Getting the word out about the project is crucial.

If you know a newspaper editor/editor in chief, email them our press release and ask them to write about it.

Do you know someone at a TV station around the globe? Send out our press release as well.

We are happy to answer all questions, participate in interviews and TV-broadcasts.

Do you know a Blogger?

Every blogpost we get about the Global Internet Magna Carta project is worth it!

So if you know a blogger or are a blogger, tell them about us in an email and we will be happy to contribute to their blogs for interviews or articles they publish.

Missing a Language?

The Global Internet Magna Carta Project needs to be equally accessible to every human being.

If we have missed a language, please let us know. Also if and how you can help us translate to that language we have forgotten.